What is Humility and How Does That Relate to Recovery?

“I find I am at my best when I can let the flow of my experience carry me…” – Carl Rogers The dictionary defines humility as: “a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness”. As human beings, it’s pretty natural for us to feel an inflated sense of importance. We are so focused…

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Incorporating Creative Activities in Recovery: Getting Back to the Basics

When we’re kids, we’re much more open to exploring the world with curiosity and wonder. Vince Gowmon, a life coach, counselor, author and more, emphasizes that it’s because children are still connected to their body rather than strictly through their mindset. They’re able to move much more fluidly – and with little association to place…

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Co-Occurring Disorders: What Are They?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) conducted a study in 2014 to assess how many people had substance use disorders (SUDs) and how many had mental illness. They found that 20.2 million adults experienced a SUD, while 43.6 million were experiencing a mental illness; of these, a total of 7.9 million people…

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7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hide Your Depression

Depression is the number one cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. In America, an estimated 16 million adults suffer an episode of depression every single year. Symptoms of a depressive epsiode can include persistent sadness, fatigue, disturbed sleep, physical aches, poor concentration, loss of appetite, slow movements, and thoughts of death,…

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Unusual Ways to Improve Your Mood

Whether you’ve struggled with addiction, depression, or anxiety, you are likely to have days, or even weeks, when you can’t seem to get out of a funk. If you’ve struggled with depression, you might fear the onset of another episode. If you have recently started addiction recovery, you may be suffering from post-acute-withdrawal syndrome, or…

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