High Watch campus buildings

Sober Living and Intensive Outpatient Care Program

The Hope House Farm

High Watch is home to a fully working farm that is the centerpiece of our Sober Living and Intensive Outpatient Program. It is currently home to both our menโ€™s and womenโ€™s IOP program, Hope House. This outstanding program is available to guests who have completed their residential stay with us and who wish to continue their recovery at High Watch.

Continuum of Care at the Hope House Farm

Located on over 100 acres of land, the Hope House farm includes a horse and sheep pasture, horse stalls, and acres of gardens.

The guests of Hope House are actively involved in the production of honey, beeswax, and other honey based products, along with eggs, wool, and fresh produce. The farm is also home to our equine therapy program.

The garden is one of the more challenging projects on the property. Extended guests and IOP guests study bio-dynamic gardening. They explore many products that they can make from their crops such as teas, spices, dried herbs, and many other vegetable-based products. The farm will also be supplying the High Watch kitchen with fresh vegetables.

The program is an excellent opportunity for extended guests. It gives them a sense of purpose, which is so very important in early recovery. It builds confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. Guests at Hope House learn teamwork, responsibility, accountability, and conflict resolution. They learn to care for, help, and watch out for each other, and they learn new skills that they can be proud of and take with them. Working with your hands, with animals, and the earth is very healing and very conducive to good recovery.


Hope House is not licensed or certified to provide substance use disorder treatment services. Those who live at Hope House voluntarily choose to live together in a supportive environment during their recovery.