The High Watch Blog

Educational Articles

Your Guide to Going on Summer Vacation in Recovery

June 10, 2019

Summer vacations – they used to mean airport drinking, tropical getaways and sipping cocktails on the beach or by the pool. Nowadays, they can be anxiety ridden affairs that are full of opportunities to relapse. Going on your first vacation…

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How Creativity Helps Recovery

June 3, 2019

A common misconception amongst many creative addicts is the idea that substances such as alcohol or heroin can stimulate creativity. They cite that many creative geniuses have also been alcoholics or addicts. However in a recent study, Roger Beaty, a…

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Guide to Life After Rehab

May 28, 2019

Leaving treatment can be a scary prospect for many recovering addicts. Addiction is a life-long disease that you need to work on continuously, even when you leave your treatment center. In fact, in some ways – you have to work…

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Relapse Prevention & The 12 Steps: What You Need to Know

May 26, 2019

Relapse prevention is a crucial part of addiction recovery, but it happens gradually. Those in recovery learn of the strategies, coping mechanisms and resources needed to work through troubling emotions such as with anger, guilt, sadness and more. It takes…

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Navigating Summer Parties and Picnics in Recovery from Substance Abuse

May 20, 2019

As summer arrives, so do the invitations to parties, BBQโ€™s, after-work drinks outside and picnics on the beach or in the park. It is not unusual to associate these events with drinking and using. Navigating the challenges summer brings to…

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How to Avoid 5 of the Most Common Relapse Triggers

May 13, 2019

1: Stress Stress may be the number one cause of relapse. Many people in recovery turn back to their substance of choice when they are feeling overwhelmed with life issues. For many addicts, drinking and drugging was a maladaptive way…

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Final Exams in Recovery

May 6, 2019

Exam season is fast approaching. Exams at any time in someoneโ€™s life can raise stress and anxiety levels. For people in recovery, stress and anxiety are often triggers for using and drinking. We want to help you navigate the difficulties…

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How to Achieve an “Attitude of Gratitude” in Recovery

April 29, 2019

โ€œAs we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.โ€ These wise words were from John F Kennedy and got us thinking about how to actually live…

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Moving Past Shame in Addiction Recovery: Choosing to Move Forward

April 28, 2019

Shame is defined as, โ€œa painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.โ€ Shame is a powerful emotion that can cause people to feel worthless, defective, and damaged beyond repair โ€“ and for…

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An Attitude of Gratitude in Recovery

April 22, 2019

Practicing daily gratitude has benefits that can help you maintain your recovery. It helps to reduce stress and illness and improves sleep and social connection. When you are focused on what you are grateful for you start to appreciate what…

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